Importing files from github

A quick post today. I’ve had to pull some files from my work github repository to run analysis. In case you run into that challenge, the requests module in python offers a simple solution to the problem. I may update this post in the future with an SSH connection to github but for now, here’s … More Importing files from github

Handling multiple Github accounts with multiple SSH keys

Ahhhhhh…the challenge of dual personalities. I have been trying to connect via SSH to all my github accounts. However, I have struggled to assign the correct hostname for the applicable SSH keys. After lots of online searches, trials and errors, I finally figured out my mistake: I was modifying a local configuration file, instead of … More Handling multiple Github accounts with multiple SSH keys

Connecting to MS SQL with pymssql and openquery

Have you ever struggled to install a module in python and connect to a MS SQL database with openquery? I spent a few hours browsing through Stackoverflow andpymssql documentation, downloading and uninstalling various modules until it finally worked. Here is what I did (if you’ve had an easier install experience to make pymssql work for … More Connecting to MS SQL with pymssql and openquery

Where do I start?

There are lots of resources out there to learn machine learning: relatively unknown online academies, seminars, books, Youtube videos. I have felt quite overwhelmed and after a few months of online browsing and few frustrated hours, I have compiled notes from the three sources below to draft my self-learning plan. I will update you as I … More Where do I start?

Firt post!

Hello world! As a professional mechanical engineer, I have challenged myself to learn about machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, analytics, big data, operation research, optimization, etc. So, as the professional I try to be (sigh), my brain only  works when I have a deadline.  Therefore, my challenge here will be to post … More Firt post!